
masumi channel - masumi showing her beautiful face by doing proper exercises


Masumi was born and raised in Japan. Masumi had suffered from atopic dermatitis since childhood. Masumi has an allergy to animals, but it all started when she got an animal. For about 10 years, Masumi wore long sleeves to hide her skin because of severe red eczema on her face and body. And Masumi hated showing her face and skin. Masumi couldn't make eye contact with people. My feelings were very negative.

However, Masumi didn't give up because she wanted to improve her rough skin. Masumi tried various diets and health methods. With advice from her mother, Masumi started yoga while studying in Los Angeles. Yoga made Masumi positive. Masumi learned yoga in Bali. Masumi also became interested in how facial muscles work. Then Masumi encountered face yoga in Japan. Masumi also studied diet, therapist and meditation. By taking care of her body, face, skincare, and mindfulness, Masumi's rough skin improved steadily. Masumi's face was also lifted up. As a result, Masumi enjoys showing her face. Personality has become friendly and positive. By showing a smile, the feeling became positive. Masumi learned that the mind, face and body are connected. Masumi created her own method from her own experience.

From painful past experiences, Masumi knows more than anyone else that skin conditions affect people's feelings. Masumi's classes are very popular in Japan and abroad. Masumi taught over 150 online and offline classes a month. Over 100,000 people have taken masumi's classes over the past three years. Masumi knows that each person has their own troubles.

Masumi has also successfully lost 10kg on her own. Masumi's skin looks even better after losing weight.

"I started YouTube because I wanted to share the importance of self-care with people around the world. I am very happy to see you here now. The more you can love yourself, the more you can love others around you. And that will lead to world peace! Let's stay beautiful and young with me! Let's enjoy your life!"

Believe in Masumi and have fun together!
Masumi's Energetic and Positive Smile Classes
Positive Face Exercise & Body Yoga Practitioners Worldwide

Face Exercise Program

A facial exercises is a comprehensive exercise routine that targets all major muscle groups, providing a balanced and efficient training session. It typically includes exercises for the chest, back, arms, shoulders, legs, and core. By engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously, a full body workout maximizes calorie burn, enhances strength, and improves overall fitness. Incorporating compound movements and functional exercises, this type of workout offers a holistic approach to achieving a strong and toned physique.
3 days Face Massage Only (No Exercise) -
2 weeks Fuller Apple Cheeks

“Things to do before starting Masumi face exercise” !

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